Coastal Healing Project co-founder Sheresa Elliot.
Coastal Healing Project co-founder Sarah Sloan.
It was all
a dream.
Hey you! We’re so glad you’re here. We’re Coastal Healing Project, co-founded by Sheresa Elliot and Sarah Sloan. This project started with a Carteret County dream. We imagined a program that would allow women and GNC youth in our region to come together (face to face) and engage in leadership, media literacy, and mental health development.
Sheresa is a full-time mental health counselor working in Eastern North Carolina schools. Sarah is a full-time regional documentary producer. When we came together to host workshops, the events naturally became a blend of media & creative writing education (Sarah’s world) and youth development (Sheresa’s world).
Building on two years of youth workshops in Carteret County together, Coastal Healing Project scales up our work to a fully developed project.
We provide youth a paid opportunity to develop their critical thinking and sense of self through (here’s the fun part) creative writing, storytelling and media workshops. Basically, exactly what we wish was around when we were growing up here!